E&G, as a Construction Company with 5 First Class Licenses, is able to deliver a full range of services for various types of industrial and commercial construction projects.
By having our ‘In-House Design Team’ consisting of experienced architects, designers and engineers, we have a solid understanding of both the Design & Construction processes. During the Design stage, we are able to identify and mitigate hidden risks ahead of the construction which provides significant advantages in terms of Communication, Coordination, Schedule and Reducing costs.
Forbye, E&G has been striving to become a leading Company in the construction industry and keeps identifying and implementing new solutions and technologies. By integrating 3D Modelling, we can merge the Architectural design with the Process design into one system and save money and time even before starting construction phase.
We highlight the production processes as main actor in the design stage.
We design facilities for the processes instead of processes for facilities.
With our ‘Tailor Made’ approach as EPC Company, we provide a complete ‘one-stop solution’ and very important, we work as sole Contractor for the whole project execution.
We take full responsibility from commencement to final completion and provide additional benefits to our clients, with one single point of contact/interface during the project and importantly
ONE Company means ONE HSE & CQC Policy
E&G has 20 years’ experience in delivering projects for International clients and has developed a thorough knowledge of Construction Project International best practices Especially in the areas of HSE, CQC and Project Management. And through Continual Improvement we keep developing more efficient ways to deliver our services.
E&G aims to be the preferred professional partner of our clients through commitment; comprehensive processes and extensive experience in delivering multicultural construction projects. With a team consisting of experienced Professionals from the USA, Europe, Japan and China we are well able to support our clients in the delivery of their projects.
E&G’s main Tailor Made, One-stop solutions
- Site Selection & Evaluation study.
- Building Due Diligences for existing Facilities.
- Government Permitting Process & Relationship management.
- Construction Design (including BIM) & Execution.
- Project Management & Procurement.
- Property Maintenance & Management.
No.201, Huanghai West 4th Road,
Free Trade Zone, Da-lian, Liaoning,
116600, China
+86 (411) 8792 1638